Personal Profile

Bin Zhao, Associate Professor
Scholar Homepages:[Google Scholar] | [DBLP]
Research Interests: Stable Imaging, Computer Vision, Camera-in-the-loop
Contact Address: 127 West Youyi Road, Beilin District, Xi'an 710072, Shaanxi, P.R. China
Zip Code:710072
About Me:Bin Zhao is now an associate professor in the School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics and ElectroNics (iOPEN). His research includes both software and hardware on Artificial Intelligence, and specially focuses on integrating the optical imaging process into computer vision tasks, so as to achieve the stable imaging and accurate perception. He is always looking for self-motivated Master/Ph.D./visiting/intern students who are interested in computer science, imaging, mathematics, physics, etc..
Education Background
2015-2020 | Northwestern Polytechnical University | Computer Science | Ph.D |
2011-2015 | Northwestern Polytechnical University | Applied Mathematics | B.S. |
Work Experience
2021-Now | Northwestern Polytechnical University | Associate Professor |
2020-2022 | Xidian University | Post-Doc |
Recent Papers
B. Zhao, H. Li, X. Lu, and X. Li*, "Reconstructive Sequence-Graph Network for Video Summarization," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, DOI:10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3072117. [BibTeX] | [PDF]
B. Zhao, X. Li, X. Lu, "Property-Constrained Dual Learning for Video Summarization," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 3989-4000, 2020. [BibTeX] | [PDF]
B. Zhao, X. Li, and X. Lu, "CAM-RNN: Co-Attention Model based RNN for Video Captioning," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 5552-5565, 2019. [BibTeX] | [PDF]
B. Zhao, X. Li, and X. Lu, "HSA-RNN: Hierarchical Structure-Adaptive RNN for Video Summarization," IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 7405-7414, 2018. [BibTeX] | [PDF]
B. Zhao, X. Li, and X. Lu, "Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network for Video Summarization," ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 863-871, 2017. [BibTeX] | [PDF]
Academic Service
Reviewer: IEEE TPAMI/TNNLS/TCYB/TIP/TMI, Pattern Recognition, etc..